# Welcome to goshorly ![](https://git.ucode.space/Phil/goshorly/badges/main/pipeline.svg) goshorly is an easy to use and self-hostable link shortener. It is based on the Golang programming language. Redis is used as the database. If you have an feature request, please do not hesitate to open an issue or merge request. **WARNING:** - goshorly is in an early stage, it is not an Final Version! (Pre-Release Status v0.1.X) ## Disclaimer This site is work in progress and does not contain the full docs. ## Supported architectures ### Docker - amd64, arm64 - other versions can be build manually (via docker build / buildx) ### Binary Build - linux (amd64,arm64) - darwin (amd64,arm64) - windows (amd64) - other versions can be build manually (via go build)